Friday, May 18, 2012

A Few Snap-Shots From Fantasy in the Forest.

 Climbing the Rockwall at Camp Half-Blood

 We would like to thank Girl Scout camp Inawendiwin for letting us run Fantasy in the Forest at the camp.

   We had a lot of fun at camp singing songs with the campers when the day was done. ;)

Our Blog is Live!!!

    Troop 24065's blog, Our Girl Scout Adventures is officially starting, Please take note that our blog is almost like a scrap book that we are using to share our girl scouting memories. The first posts are going to mainly focus on our recently completed Silver Award project.

     Our project entitled Fantasy in the Forest was conducted at our local Girl Scout Camp Inawendiwin. The purpose of the project was to help raise an interest in living outdoors, and reading good literature. The project reached boys, and girls, scouts and non scouts in our community.

      We hope that you enjoy reading about our project and seeing the pictures from the day at camp.

                               Troop 24065