Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Climbing Camp Inky's Rock Wall

On Sunday morning, there was one last activity. Jack and Anne arrived at the playing field with other families. Jack gulped. In front of him stood a huge wooden climbing wall! Jack was afraid of heights, and the rock wall looked taller than the trees! “Oh no,” Jack whispered to Anne, as a tall, bulky instructor came forward. “Hey kids, my name is Crunch!” boomed the good-natured coach. “Today all of you are going to do your best to climb this rock wall. There is a little bell at the top. See if you can ring it!”

Crunch helped the campers get into harnesses and pick out helmets. Then he asked for the first volunteer camper to climb the wall. Jack watched as many people climbed. Some rang the bell, a few did not, but everyone tried. Anne was one of the first people to make it all the way to the top and ring the bell. When her feet hit the ground, she was glowing happily.

“Maybe I can climb too,” Jack thought. Jack decided he would try his best to climb.

      Soon Crunch called for Jack. Jack was rigged to the rope and started the long climb. About half way up, Jack’s hands got really sweaty. “I think I need to come down, Crunch!” Jack called down to the instructor.

“What’s wrong, Jack? You’re doing great!” Crunch peered up at Jack in confusion.

“Well, my hands are really sweaty, so I think I should just come down now.” Jack replied.

“Let go of the wall, hold the rope, and lean into your harness. I can hold you while you rest,” Crunch called up to Jack.

Jack was nervous, but he trusted Crunch and followed his advice. Soon Jack was climbing again. After a few minutes, the other campers were cheering, “Looking up, looking up!”

Jack realized he must be close to the top now. Soon Jack stretched his hand out and rang the little bell at the top of the wall. Crunch lowered Jack and soon Mom and Dad were congratulating him. This had been the best camping trip ever.
The End.

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