Monday, June 25, 2012

Making Baked Apples at Camp

Pg. 3 and 4 of Anne and Jack Go Camping

After a full day of travel and setting up camp, Anne and Jack had dinner with their family. “Wow, food tastes really great at camp,” said Jack.

“Mom, did you bring the stuff for s’mores?” asked Anne.

“I did, but we will make those tomorrow night. Let’s try something different. Have you ever tried Baked Apples?”

Anne shook her head, and Jack asked, “How do you make them? Are they good?”

Their Mother laughed, “Get the apples, butter, foil, and cinnamon sugar from the car and I’ll show you,” she said, clearing a space on the picnic table.

As they waited impatiently for the apples to cook, their mother showed them how to make iced tea. The apples, cooking in the embers of the fire, smelled delicious; almost like an apple pie, with the smells of cinnamon, sugar and butter mixing with the tangy scent of apple.

“Wow, this is so much better than s’mores,” said Anne carefully taking a bite of the hot apple treat.

 Jack was too busy eating to say anything.

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