Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Local Wildlife in New Jersey

Pgs. 5-6 of "Anne and Jack Go Camping"
On Saturday morning, right after breakfast, Jack and Anne got ready for the Wildlife class. They fished around in their tent for backpacks, bug spray, and sunscreen. Jack realized he still had some of his pop-tart in his pocket. Anne watched him slip the breakfast treat into his sleeping bag. “Are you sure that is a good idea?” she asked.

“Of course it is! This way I don’t have to waste time packing it up in the van! We don’t want to be late for class,” Jack explained.

The first workshop of the day was Wildlife. Anne loved animals.

“Hello everyone call me Chipmunk! That is my camp nickname,” the teacher said cheerfully. “Today you are going to learn about wildlife. My first question is: Does anyone know which animals are commonly found in this area?”

Anne raised her hand quickly, “There are foxes, turkeys, and raccoons!”

“Good Job Anne, raccoons are very common. We have quite a few here at Camp Inky! You have to be careful to lock up your food and trash or else they will eat it all!” Chipmunk laughed. “We have one raccoon we instructors have named Scruff. He often steals food from campers who don’t pack their food correctly.”

Jack gulped as he heard Chipmunk talk about the raccoons. His mind drifted back to the pop-tart hidden in his sleeping bag.

Soon Chipmunk was taking all of the campers on a nature hike. “Now I’m going to show you some animal tracks. Some easy ones to find are the rabbit and bird tracks!” she said.

Anne and Jack looked over the trail guides they were given. Anne saw that the sparrow tracks looked like Y’s with another line in the middle.

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