Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Lady Bug Camp Craft

After lunch, Anne asked her mother what they would do next.

“I know,” said her mother, “I brought some paint, and we could make lady bugs!”

“May I make mine orange?” asked Jack.

“I didn’t bring any orange paint,” said his mother, “Sorry.”

Jack looked somewhat put-out but settled for the red paint.

Jack and Anne each found a smooth oval rock. They brushed the loose dirt off of them. First, they painted the rock red and let it dry for 10 minutes. Next they each painted a large black spot on one end for the head. A black line was painted down the middle of the rock to show the wings. Smaller black spots were painted on each wing. Jack painted lots of spots! After the black paint was dry to the touch, they painted a friendly face on the ladybug head. Jack and Anne were proud of their pet rocks.

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