Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fire Safety

Pgs. 8, 9, and 10 Of "Anne and Jack Go Camping"
Jack and Anne were in their tent getting ready for the Fire Safety class. Anne left her hair down, put on a big, fluffy hat with tassels that hung down and let her sweatshirt strings dangle.  When she was done getting dressed, Anne went out to meet her mom.

“Hey Mom,” said Anne, “I’m ready to start.”

 Her mom replied with a smile, “I think I know what your first lesson will be. What we should not wear at the fire!” She explained, “Never wear anything that can hang down and get in the fire. This is important because you don’t want your clothes or hair to get burnt.”

“Yes, Mom” said Anne, “I’ll go change.

“See,” Mom said, “You have already learned something new today!”

Anne caught up with her brother. He was waiting with the Fire Safety leader, Sparky. He was going to teach them how to build a fire. “First,” he said, “we need to set up the fire area.”

Jack and Anne raked the leaves away. They made sure the fire bucket was filled with water and that the rake was nearby, but safely outside the fire ring.

“You guys did a really good job, I’m impressed!” said Sparky.

The class learned that tinder was very thin and papery, like pine needles. They found out that kindling was easy for a little fire to burn. Bits of dry deadwood, about the size of a pinky finger work well. Soon a fire needs fuel and logs the size of a forearm burn best.

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