Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why a Camper Should Never Bring Food in His or Her Tent

Today had been a good day. All of the activities were tons of fun. Jack was feeling really great until he saw his sleeping bag. A raccoon was eating his pop-tart on top of his bright red sleeping bag. “Mom! Dad! Come help!” Jack yelled.

When Mom and Dad came to the tent, the raccoon had run out of the back flap, but Jack was still frozen in shock. His pillows and bedding were strewn all over the ground.

“What happened?” asked Dad.

“There was a raccoon on my sleeping bag!” Jack stammered.

“Why was that?” Mom’s eyes scanned the tent.

“I sort of left a pop tart in it, I guess.” Jack hung his head.

“Well Jack, you know not to leave food in your tent. I’ll help you clean up this mess, and then we can have dinner. Okay?” asked Dad.

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