Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Wash Dishes at Camp

For lunch Mom helped the kids make Mac’n Cheese, while Dad grilled some burgers. All of the food was very good, and Jack and Anne were soon full. “Okay, now you two can learn how to clean your dishes!” Mom announced.

First, Mom got out three large tubs. She poured hot soapy water into the first one, clean, warm water into the second and put sanitizer in the third tub.

“Alright, first you both should scrape your dishes as clean as possible, using your napkin from lunch. Make sure all of the scraps go into the trash can!”

The kids wiped their dishes; determined to get every bit of macaroni off the plate. Now it was time to wash the dishes. First they scrubbed in soapy water, then they rinsed in clear water. Next, mom gave them a net bag. They put their dishes in the bag, dunked them in the sanitizer and hung them on the line to dry. Everyone must work together to keep up after the camp chores. It makes the trip fun for everyone.

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